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Parashat Nitzavim 5776

28 Elul  5776  פרשת נִצָּבִים, כ”ח אלול, תשע”ו This is the last portion before we start our High Holidays which is spiritually charged both positively and negatively for the Jewish people.  There is a heaviness that we feel for it the time when we do our checks and balances for the past year. Many businesses […]

Parashat Devarim 5776

9 Av  5776 דְּבָרִים, ט” אב, תשע”ו  פרשת Devarim is the fifth book of the Torah and In Latin it is called Deuteronomy from deutero – nomio or second law. The Hebrew word devarim means the “words” referring to the words that Moshe spoke to his people. It has certain peculiarities when compared with the […]

Parashat Pinchas 5776

24 Tammuz 5776  פרשת פִּינְחָס, כ”ד תמוז, תשע”ו To give context for today’s message I would like to start reading to you from Numbers 25:1 Israel settled at Shittim. The people gave themselves over to prostitution with Moabite women.2 These invited them to the sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down […]

Parashat Balak 5776

17 Tammuz  5776 According to the Midrashim, Balak the King of Moab was actually a Midianite (relative of Moses wife) and being a Moabite was a direct descendant of Lot.  Bilaam the Gentile prophet was a direct descendant of Lavan, the father-in-law of Jacob. In the final analysis, we can say that everything happened within […]

Parashat Korach 5776

3 Tammuz  5776  פרשת קֹרַח, ג’ תמוז, תשע”ו This parashah is a very crucial and holds the name of a very controversial person. Why would our elders give Korach so much importance by naming a portion after him?  Our Creator clearly shows us that our heroes are shown for whom they really are— human beings […]

Parashat Shelach 5776

3 Sivan  5776  פרשת שְׁלַח, כ”ו סיון, תשע”ו There are two versions of this portion Shelach here and in Deuteronomy 1 where Moshe gives us a different narrative. In Deut. it looks like the people are requesting that Moshe send the scouts to reconnoiter the land whereas in Numbers it is the Creator to do […]