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Parashat Behar 5776

If only you have the faith of a mustard seed… you will be able to move mountains…  20 Iyar 5776 In Hebrew there are two interesting sister words: emunah – אמונה which means faith and bitachon – בטחון which means trust. We constantly hear and speak about emunah which our Creator has given to everyone […]

Parashá Behar 5776

Si sólo se tiene la fe de una semilla de mostaza… usted será capaz de mover montañas… 20 de Iyar 5776 En hebreo hay dos palabras interesantes hermanas: emunáh – אמונה que significa fe y betachon – בטחון que significa confianza. Constantemente oímos y hablamos de emuná, que nuestro Creador ha dado a todo el […]

Parashat Behar 5776

 20 Iyar  5776  ב פרש תְּהַר, כ’ אייר, תשע”ו   This book Leviticus was written within a month and is rich in teachings and principles.  Once again I say to you, no to legalism, yes to relationship with the Creator. My intention is that you start thinking for yourself.  I do not want to teach […]

Parashat Emor 5776

13 Iyar 5776  פרשת אֱמֹר, י”ג אייר, תשע”ו   The world is divided into two parts: those who belong to God and those who do not. The final decision to follow Him is up to us. He extends His Hand to us but He won’t force us.  The Creator formed the people of Israel but […]

Parashá Kedoshim 5776

Nuestro Dios es el Dios del comenzar de nuevo 6 de Iyar 5776 Durante los últimos ocho años o así que he estado llevando enseñanzas que difieren de la mayoría de las sinagogas y los grupos religiosos. Yo me he autodenominado  anti-religioso. La palabra religión puede ser mal interpretada; para algunas personas significa algo bueno […]

Parashat Kedoshim 5776

God is the God of beginning again! Over the past eight years or so I have been bringing you teachings that differ from most synagogues and religious groups.  I have called myself anti-religious. The word religious can be misunderstood; for some people it means something good and for others, something negative.  As a young man, […]

Parashat Kedoshim 5776

6 Iyar 5776  פרשת קְדֹשִׁים, ו’ אייר, תשע”ו   Kedoshim contains crucial teachings from the Torah. Over the past eight years or so I have been bringing you teachings that differ from most synagogues and religious groups.  I have called myself anti-religious. The word religious can be misunderstood; for some people it means something good […]