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Parashat Ekev 5776

What is more important…— the External Appearance or the Real One? Blog Ekev  5776   בלוג  עֵקֶב , כ”ג אב, תשע”ו Most of us spend far more time preoccupied with our outward appearance than with what is inside. I have long been teaching you “say no to religion, yes to the Creator” but the majority prefers […]

Parashá Ekev 5776

¿Qué es más importante la Apariencia Externa o la Real? Blog Ekev 23 de Av de 5776 , בלוג  עֵקֶב  כ”ג אב, תשע”ו La mayoría de nosotros pasamos mucho más tiempo preocupados por nuestra apariencia exterior que en nuestro interior. Durante mucho tiempo he estado enseñando en: “decir no a la religión, sí al Creador”, […]

Parashat Ekev 5776

23 Av  5776   פרשת עֵקֶב, כ”ג אב, תשע”ו Ekev has many meanings in the Hebrew language depending on the context. It could be translated as “because” or “if” connecting two thoughts. It also means “heel” which as our sages say is the lowest part of the body when we are standing, showing us that we […]

Parashat Devarim 5776

To obey and to do…… is more important than to memorize and to wait.  9 Av  5776  דְּבָרִים  בלוג The Torah is the Almighty’s revelation to us and is to be regarded as the source of the principles for everyone to live by.   It was not only for that generation that stood at the base […]

Parashat Devarim 5776

9 Av  5776 דְּבָרִים, ט” אב, תשע”ו  פרשת Devarim is the fifth book of the Torah and In Latin it is called Deuteronomy from deutero – nomio or second law. The Hebrew word devarim means the “words” referring to the words that Moshe spoke to his people. It has certain peculiarities when compared with the […]

Parashá Matot-Masei 5776

¿Cuál es nuestra responsabilidad como ser humanos? 2 Av 5776 בלוג מַּטּוֹת – מַסְעֵי, ב ” אב, תשע”ו La doble porción Matot-Maasei “tribus-viajes” termina el libro de Números y comienza con la idea de votos. Yeshua habló en Mateo 5:37 en el Sermón del Monte que no debemos jurar por nada, sino que nuestro sí […]