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Parashat Balak 5776

17 Tammuz  5776 According to the Midrashim, Balak the King of Moab was actually a Midianite (relative of Moses wife) and being a Moabite was a direct descendant of Lot.  Bilaam the Gentile prophet was a direct descendant of Lavan, the father-in-law of Jacob. In the final analysis, we can say that everything happened within […]

Parashat Korach 5776

3 Tammuz  5776  פרשת קֹרַח, ג’ תמוז, תשע”ו This parashah is a very crucial and holds the name of a very controversial person. Why would our elders give Korach so much importance by naming a portion after him?  Our Creator clearly shows us that our heroes are shown for whom they really are— human beings […]

Parashat Shelach 5776

In whom do you trust? 26 Sivan 5776   I have been in Montreal since 1992 through highs and lows, having been attacked on all sides but the worst thing I experienced is “lashon hara” – לשון הרע – the evil tongue.  Rashi explained that lashon hara was the reason that the chieftains that Moshe […]

Parashat Beha’alotekha 5776

19 Sivan 5776   פרשת בְּהַעֲלֹתְךָ, י”ט סיון, תשע”ו   In this portion we read about the smicha which is the laying on of hands which signifies that a person is chosen for a special role or that we are transferring authority to this person.  All the Levites would receive smicha because they would be the […]